Connected Wind Services

The challenge
DMP Mølleservice had a long history as part of the Danish wind industry cluster. Following the acquisition of German Windservice NF GmbH and Swedish Triventus AB, the company had suddenly moved from being a smaller player to an important regional provider of wind turbine services for “end-of guarantee turbines”. It was time for rebranding and new positioning.

The strategy
It was clear that we needed a complete new name and visual appearance of the company. It was also important not to lose employee or customer commitment during this process. Through heavy involvement of employees and by pinpointing selected customers with relevant information, it was possible to reach not only a high awareness of the new name and positioning but also a very high acceptance.

The concept
We decided to dig into the DNA of the company in order to find the building blocks for the communication strategy. It was soon clear that the company was unique both in the way it actually covered all aspects of wind turbine services and provided tailor-made offerings and in its market proximity. This led to the tagline “All you need”, the company name “Connected Wind Services”, and the logo supporting this.

The result
From all sides the branding and positioning of the new company has received excellent feedback. Internally, it is evident how much pride the new name, tagline and logo actually brings – and also how much easier it now is for management to present the company to an external audience. For existing customers, the new positioning underlines the true value of working with Connected Wind Services and obviously, it makes it much easier to reach out and impress new customers about the offerings and abilities of the company.

The elements
Communication platform
Corporate branding and design
Internal launch elements
New corporate web
Act-On marketing automation
Sales brochures
Direct mails
Email newsletters

Let’s talk

Phone: +45 4027 9560
Email: @Hans Christian Bothmann

Phone: +45 2085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup

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Let’s talk

Phone: +45 4027 9560
Email: @Hans Christian Bothmann

Phone: +45 2085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup


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