It is an established fact that the customer journey in B2B is digital and that the customer goes a very long way (some say up to 80%) before he or she even wants to talk to a salesperson. What is also recognized is that the process is not linear – in fact it is individual, chaotic and involves all digital platforms including social media.
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Email: @Morten Kornerup
How to fix the five most common digital marketing mistakes
You can also look at the funnel as a continuous journey as shown below. As a marketeer you need to understand how to attract your prospects, how to nurture them on their journey and serve up relevant content. A marketing automation platform is a must because it provides insights and enables you to react swiftly and automatically along your prospects journey.
The Key Stages Of The lead-To-Revenue Management Process
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you know who your customer is?
Where are they on their journey?
Are you engaging and moving them along the journey?
Are you measuring the impact on your business goals?
Does you content meet both the needs of the TDM (Technical Decision Maker) and BDM (Business Decision Maker)?
Sales and Marketing alignment
Make your teams work in harmony
For many companies the alignment between marketing and sales remains a challenge. What is the role of each team and how do they interact in the most optimal way particularly in a lead generation and pipeline setting? We have a deep understanding of what drivers are at play and how to resolve them, so the teams work in harmony. Our services include:
• Alignment gap analysis
• Goal setting
• Team creation
• Technology check
• Lead definitions
• Activity plan
• KPIs and reporting
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Phone: +45 2085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup
“How to fix the five most common digital marketing mistakes”