The speed and quantity of information and messages bombarding your prospects are beyond their possible consumption ability, making it increasingly difficult for you to first gain their attention, and then trigger enough interest towards purchasing your products and services.
Your prospects go online to research and educate themselves about possible solutions, and they only engage with your company late in the buying cycle. Your ability to immediately emotionally engage online is critical, as it will keep them interested through the important stages of the self-service buying experience. High emotional engagement is a critical factor if you want to significantly increase your conversion rates.
Let’s talk
Phone: +45 3085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup
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We regularly host 2-hour morning briefings on lead generation, content marketing and marketing automation.
The digital revolution
Making B2B customers much tougher targets
The figures are clear. 61% of all B2B transactions now originate online. The research also showed that most customers are already more than halfway through their buying process before they first contact a company, and 90% never respond to cold calling.
The target
Generate creative emotional engagement
Creative advertising has a proven track record of reaching a target audience who never respond to cold outreach. It is also very effective in striking a deeper chord with potential customers who are in their research phase of their buying process. See more >
Customer journey:
More marketing – less sales
It is an established fact that the customer journey in B2B is digital and that the customer goes a very long way (some say up to 80%) before he or she even wants to talk to a sales person. This process is not linear – tends to be fairly unstructured and highly individual involving all digital platforms including social media. See more >
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Let’s talk
Phone: +45 4027 9560
Email: @Hans Christian Bothmann
Join a briefing
We regularly host 2-hour morning briefings on lead generation, content marketing and marketing automation.