A digital lead generation campaign for FLSmidth backed by a Payment by Results agreement

The challenge
FLSmidth wanted to develop a pipeline of well qualified leads for its brand-new product FerroCer – an impact wear liner delivering truly game changing performance. The product is relevant for most mining companies.

The strategy
Using the Act-On marketing automation platform the marketing and sales department of FLSmidth worked closely together to determine the right definition of a MQL (Marketing Qualified Leads). A database of several thousand contacts in the main markets in North and South America was loaded to Act-On. The lead generation campaign covers four waves executed in both English and Spanish.

A Payment By Results agreement was drawn up whereby Blue Business will be rewarded for both number of quality leads and actual sales of FerroCer.

The concept
The target group consist of both technical decision makers (maintenance and production) and business decision makers (purchasing and finance). Using customer testimonials a number of targeted messages were developed and during the campaign A/B testing was used to determine the relevance of each message.

The elements
In order to generate as many quality leads to sales as possible, the lead generation campaign consists of multiple integrated touchpoints. With the campaign, FLSmidth is communicating with a large group of potential customers, some of whom the currently do not have an ongoing dialogue with. Some of the campaign elements are.

A campaign landing site
E-mails sent to contacts in target markets (Chile, Peru, Mexico, USA and Canada)
Editorials, on- and offline ads, social media posts, animation, customer case.

The result (so far)
“The investment we are making in the FerroCer lead generation campaign will not only result in measurable results for this campaign, but the knowledge we gain from it is essential when we need to create awareness about future products releases and generate more leads for sales” says Mimi Sofie Stabell, Strategic Marketing Manager, Global Mining Marketing.

Let’s talk

Phone: +45 4027 9560
Email: @Hans Christian Bothmann

Phone: +45 2085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup

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Let’s talk

Phone: +45 4027 9560
Email: @Hans Christian Bothmann

Phone: +45 2085 3377
Email: @Morten Kornerup


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